5 Act Of Kindness That We Do In Our Daily Life

Mian Ali Rehman
2 min readDec 11, 2020

1#Helping Poor Family With Food;

The first thing I do in the start of month, I provide Rashan/Food to one poor family. And this act of kindness I like to perform.

2#Press Clothes For My Younger Brother;

As my brother is younger than me and he didn’t know how to press clothes so I mostly press clothes for my brother.

3#Always Help My Friend;

Me and My Friend is in the same university so I always help my friend and share my laptop with him as he can’t afford to buy that.

4#Love For Children's;

As I love my nephew very much so I bought a charging bike as gift on his birthday.

5#Recite Darood e Taj;

As today is Friday I recite Darood e Taj and pray for Ummah And my beloved ones who had passed away from this world .

