How To Set a SMART Goal

Mian Ali Rehman
2 min readDec 18, 2020

For a goal to become a reality, it needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic, as well as time specific, these are often called SMART goals. SMART goals are one of the longest-lasting, most popular goal setting frameworks for business.

I want to enhance my communication skills and writing skills

1-For this I have to read books and should search out important points.

2-I have to attend sessions which should give you the opportunity to speak.

3-I should spend much of my time with the person who is expert in writing skills .

#JustStart project

#Juststart Project

What is the project/goal that you have worked on in your #juststart project?

My just start project is that I want to overcome or read this book.

Why do you have this goal?

It will definitely help me in my studies and as its Research book so it will also help me in higher studies and in my research proposal

What were the challenges that you’ve faced in the past towards achieving this?

In past, I was spending very busy life because of some family issues but now, I wanted to have time for myself and to read this book.

What was your experience completing these tasks during the week?

It is very difficult for me because I never ever study such book alone in by self. And to be honest I didn’t studied it completely.

What were the challenges that you faced this time?

The challenges that I faced this time is how to engage myself in studies, how I will be able to feel more while studying or to be relax after studying.

What did you learn from this experience?

I learned that if I will practice to overcome the reading then In Sha Allah I will be able to overcome this.

What are the next steps?

My first next step will be to do practicing more and more.

