Fixing Stuff Around Yourself

Mian Ali Rehman
2 min readDec 18, 2020
Surroundings Of My Room
Surroundings Of My Room

As I am doing this activity in my room which is situated in the 1st portion of my home.

The thing that I identified in my room that need to be fixed/clean that was my sleeping bed and my side table.

My Bed And Side Table Before Cleaning

Sometimes me and my brother share the room so when he came from outside he throws his jacket on the bed insist of hanging it. Their was also washed clothes lying on the bed that need to be put in the cupboard. My books and register was also lying on the bed and on side table in untidy way. For cleaning them I need to put all the things on their places and in proper way.

My Bed And Side Table After Cleaning

For cleaning my bed I hang the jacket of brother in cupboard, put washed clothes in the cupboard. And hide the blankets so that it would look untidy. Clean my side table by putting my books properly and removing extra ordinary things that were not in use.

After cleaning my bed and side table I feel very good that now my room is able to sit in it and looks like that their is someone who looks and take care of his room.

Yes, I clean my room every Sunday. So as it was the task which we have to do so I did it right now.

I relate this activity with leadership without authority and everyday leadership because as I mentioned that every Sunday I cleaned my room, so no one give me order that you have to do it rather than you will be punished. As its my room no one have the right to clean it up rather than me. My mom had so many more works to do so its our responsibility to clean room by our self. That shows how responsible you are towards your work and complete your responsibility without any authority. That’s called the everyday leadership.

