Lessons from the last session: Taking Flight

Mian Ali Rehman
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

As I would love to start with a famous code that:

If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

So, first I would love to thanks Amal Academy for an amazing fellowship of 3 months which not only help us to utilize our time in a purposeful manner in pandemic situation but also help us to improve our soft skills which will help us in every part of our life.

From the start of this out of the blue pandemic, as the course of many things got changed so was our fellowship. We converted from In-person to online sessions and we found something productive to do in this Quarantine. Despite the fact that there was a clear difference between the crisp of In-person and online sessions, the last session was extraordinary and amazing. Not only the activities were remarkable but also everyone was high on emotions the energy was visible and Interaction was such that I had never witnessed in online sessions before. The smile on everyone’s face was contagious and reflective also the vibes were positive.

The totally different off the work talk and connect chatting was something I loved the most and the Videos from each side was so emotional and touching that it left us teary-eyed and everyone was floating in the sea of emotion. I believe such relief sessions, from work, sometime works as Energizer and offer you with more courage for the coming Challanges.

Scavenger hunt was something that was different from other sessions and the it was a sort of break from busy working schedule. The lesson I learned from the session is to give yourself some time for interaction and a break to break the chain of business and boredom.

At the end I would love to say about my my friends that I had made in this fellowship that:

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

