#Reflection On Amal Totkay

Mian Ali Rehman
4 min readDec 25, 2020

Challenge and adversity are meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength

#Amaltotkay had taught me, that one cannot achieve any thing until he didn’t have growth mindset , self confidence and inner believe. And by having these fellowship guidelines I have learned a lot how can I be able to think over my ideas by finding the why.

Now Move Forward Towards Amal Totkay’s:

1# Self Talk:

It’s common for most of us to keep a running dialogue inside our heads. Self-talk improvise the inner portrait you have about yourself. Sometimes we have a negative thought that we are not good in doing different things. But self talk can give us as positive impact and is useful in growth mindset. “ When you’re following your inner voice, doors tend to eventually open for you, even if they mostly slam at first.”

2# Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone:

When you did not come out of your comfort zone you can not achieve anything what you want and your brain lose creativity. Getting out of comfort zone take you towards change and towards betterment.

3# Create New Habits:

Creating new habits can not only enhance your knowledge but also bring changes in your personality. By changing habits you can learn a lot on daily basis and thus this will help you in your growth mindset.

4#Ask People Help:

We often hesitate to ask someone for help when needed because we fear that people will look down on you. Also we are afraid to trust people in this regard. but we need to understand that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. We need to admit and accept our weaknesses when needed to grow. By asking for help we can get more uniqe and perfect ideas.

5#Fake It Till You Make It:

We need to understand that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, we can actually realize those qualities in real life. if we don’t believe in a perspective completely and have some self doubts all we need to do is to think as if we totally agree or believe it will help us to enhance our mindset from different ways.

How did they find the 5 tips:

I thinks these tips are really effective if we apply these tips in our daily life. As I have started these implementing these tips in my daily life routines and working on it more effectively will lead to growth mindset.

My Takeaways:

I think being confidence and believe on your self abilities can lead you to the level which you want.

Coming out of your comfort zone can make you more creative .

By creating you new habits can change your personality and can make you gentleman.

By asking for a help from others can bring more interesting ideas and can connect with a good mentors.

By showing more confidence and relax towards your work or challenges can bring more effective results.

My Favorite Tip:

As my favorite tips from Amal Totkay is Self Talk And Come Out Of a comfort zone

What have they started implementing already:

The tips that I have starting implementing in come out of your comfort zone, as it’s the start and its going difficult for me but this difficulty and hard work will led me towards success in the future

What can they do to develop a Growth Mindset beginning from today?

For developing a Growth Mindset We have to implement all these tips in our daily life routine from today. We have to be confidence and didn’t say that I can’t do anything . We should have to come out from our comfort zone and should work hard. We should have to bring changes in our habits which can also bring change in our personality. And should ask for help from people about the challenges we face in our daily life . And last we will be more confidence in performing our work.

