Visualizing My Amal Academy Experience

Mian Ali Rehman
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

I would love to start sharing my experience with a famous quote of “ Aldous Huxley,”

“Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.”

Amal academy is a place where you should visualize your dreams and make it possible by having positive mindset. Being an Amal fellow I did the same, learned countless interpersonal and communication skills consciously and unconsciously during my Amal fellowship journey and going to visualize one of the most beautiful skill I learnt during the first two weeks of my fellowship program and learning new things everyday because of that one skills I-e “KINDNESS”.

It was the first time I really grasped the definition of kindness at Amal, all my time I thought of kindness was feeding poor people, setting up an NGO for widows and orphans, etc. But I was given a challenge during my first week to do some little five acts of kindness and write an experience blog, that was the time I thought about what the little acts of kindness might be, then came up with a few ideas that I had performed and shared my experience in the blog that how much peace it gave to me.

After I started small act of kindness by providing food to the needy family, pressing clothes for my younger brother and prepare breakfast for my mother etc. It wasn’t really easy to do all these little acts of kindness at the beginning, but the way these people pay me back by showing gratitude takes me to another world and forced me to do even more because their smiles make me happy and peaceful.

Other than that, I also learned the humility of generosity and patience which is somehow linked to kindness in my first two weeks of fellowship. I don’t think you can be humble to the extent that you don’t show kindness in your words and actions and that you need patience to remain humble.

I realized how I misunderstood these words during these two weeks and discovered that I lack empathy because I wasn’t so kind to others and started working on that and still doing it. Now, I can proudly say that I’ve improved myself a lot as a person. And I really want to say thanks from my core of heart to Amal academy who provide us a platform to realize for others and come out a good person from ourselves.

